At some point, you may need some extra cash quickly. You never know when an unexpected bill or expense may suddenly need to be paid. If you are looking for a way to get some money fast, an installment loan may be an option to consider.
If you choose to take out an installment loan, you should be certain that you fully understand the terms of the loan. Installment loans are designed to help you during a financial issue or for a smaller purchase. These loans are a great option for these purposes.
Installment loans have many benefits. The following are some examples.
Installment Loans Have Few Requirements
One great benefit of installments loans is the ease with which you can obtain one. There are a few requirements you have to satisfy to receive payment. For example, you must be 18 years old. You also must be a permanent resident of the United States. You need a working telephone number and a valid email address. You also need to have steady, verifiable income.
Installment Loans Are Ideal for Low Incomes
You may assume that, because you fall below a certain income level, you are not eligible for any type of loan. This is not the case for installment loans. You also do not need perfect credit to qualify. If you have a smaller income, you can still get a quick loan with equal installment payments as long as you satisfy a few income requirements.
To get an installment loan, you must have a steady income that is enough to pay the monthly payments. Your lender will provide this information to you as you apply for a loan.
Installment Loans Offer Fixed Payment Amounts
Installment loans are different than other loan types you may have researched. Installment loans offer fixed payments. This means the amount you repay each month will be the same for the life of the loan. You should not expect sudden interest rate changes that can increase your payment.
There are NO balloon payments. This fact should be mentioned in several of these paragraphs.
Your lender will provide you with the payment amount prior to your agreement to the loan. If your lender does not provide you with a periodic payment amount in your loan agreement, be sure to ask for this information before you sign on the dotted line.
Installment Loans Offer Repayment Over a Period of Time
Another benefit of installment loans is the repayment timing. You do not have to pay back your loan in a short time. Instead, you will repay your installment loan over time. This prevents any burden to your monthly budget. Repayment over a longer time period is not an option for all loan types. You may have to repay some types of loans much faster using larger payments.
Installment Loans Are Offered Quickly
In most cases, you can get approved for an installment loan quickly. When you need money fast, you want to use a loan that allows you to access the money as quickly as possible. Installment loans are designed to give you access to money without a lengthy application and approval process.
As long as you can provide timely information during the application process, you should receive approval and subsequent payout quickly, but this will depend on the practices used by your lender. Once your lender receives your information, they will review your information and verify that it is correct. If approved, you may have the funds available the next business day.
If you are interested in an installment loan, please contact Ardmore Finance. We offer fully amortized installment loans with equal monthly payments. We want to provide you with credit access at a repayment rate you can afford.