Before you visit a financial institution to borrow a loan, you should know their lending and repayment terms. Most lenders require borrowers to repay their loan amount through monthly installments over an agreed period.
Depending on your financial situation, you can choose between long-term and short-term repayment. Short-term loans are loans with a repayment period of not more than three years, while long-term loans can last up to 25 years.
While the higher installments for short-term loans might seem like a huge challenge, these loans are a good option for medium and low loan amounts. Below are some benefits of short-term loans.
1. Less Total Interest
Though most short-term loans come with a higher interest rate, the reduced loan repayment period means less interest accrued. Since most short-term loans don't exceed a repayment period of one year, interest cannot build up like it would for long-term loans.
2. Less Processing Time
A short-term loan is a perfect option if you need money fast. This type of loan is best for situations in which you need cash urgently, like when you have a medical emergency. Most lenders approve short-term loan applications within hours, which means you can get your borrowed money the same day.
3. Fewer Requirements
Since short-term loans involve small to medium amounts of money, most lenders don't have strict qualification requirements. Unlike long-term loans that need collateral, some short-term loan lenders only ask for your identification details and are less lenient on bad credit scores.
Since credit scores don’t necessarily determine one's eligibility for a short-term loan, people with bad credit scores can use this loan type to access credit. Most lenders only need to ensure that you have a steady income and proof that you are not servicing another loan.
Fewer requirements mean an easy application process, as you don't need numerous documents. Nowadays, most lenders also have digital application platforms that simplify the process significantly.
Short-term loans are also best for building your credit score, thanks to the short repayment period. You only need to make a handful of payments on time.
4. Numerous Lenders
Nowadays, numerous lenders offer short-term loans to the public. In addition to traditional financial institutions, you can borrow a short-term loan from mobile lenders and other online financial service providers. The wide variety of lenders has increased competition, leading to better rates and loan terms that are more flexible.
5. Less Stress
Since you repay a short-term loan within a short time, you don't have to worry about your debt situation for a long time. Fast loan repayment is also an advantage if you plan to take another loan in the future.
6. Easy to Predict
You cannot predict what your financial situation will be in 20 years, but you likely have a pretty good idea what the next 12 months will hold for you. A short-term loan's short repayment period enables borrowers to plan for their finances.
Remember that repayment is mandatory, no matter the changes that will come in your life in the future.
7. Quick Ownership
If your short-term loan is for an asset or property, you own the property sooner. Therefore, this type of loan benefits people who buy property with the intention to sell later.
Whether you’re looking for financing for your business or a personal loan, short-term loans provide a less tedious option, thanks to a simple application process, faster funding, and fewer restrictions. The benefits above make a short-term loan a top choice when you look for funding.
At Ardmore Finance, we offer flexible and affordable amortized loans that match different clients' needs. Contact us today to learn more about our loans.