Consolidation loans are a great way to pay off high-interest credit card (and other expensive forms of) debt. But a consolidation loan can have its own downsides. How can you decide if this type of loan has a high chance of success in helping you get debt-free? Here are five signs to look for.
1. You Have a Plan
Most Americans with credit card debt are ready to get rid of it at some point in their life. But that readiness must translate into action in order for it to really work. Consolidation loans work best when they're part of a broader strategy to make major changes in your life and your finances.
While you should have a firm, written plan for reducing your debt, you may also need to better plan your overall monthly budget and rethink your lifestyle or habits to get to the root of why you carry debt. You might include strategies like applying work bonuses and tax refunds, adjusting how you spend on vacations or the holidays, improving your health, or even leaving toxic relationships.
2. Interest Rates are Much Lower
A consolidation loan has the advantage of generally lower interest rates, late fees, and other costs compared to a credit card. When these costs are significantly lower than what you're paying now, a much higher chunk of your monthly payment will go toward the principal and will pay it off faster. You may need to do a bit of math to figure out how a potential consolidation loan stacks up against your credit card debts.
3. You Destroy That Credit Card
One key component of success with personal or consolidation loans is that you avoid charging back up the credit cards you just paid off. The ideal solution for most consolidators is to physically destroy the credit card so you can't use it again. You may or may not want to actually close the account, though, as this can affect your credit score.
Are you willing and able to prevent the credit card from becoming a trap again? Even if you don't want to destroy it, you might achieve a similar outcome by freezing it (literally) or giving it to your BFF to keep for you. Whatever your method, preventing its use will ensure you escape that debt cycle.
4. You Have a Deadline
Credit card debt tends to have no set end date. You pay down the principal and charge it back up again. But if you have a specific end date in mind, you are highly motivated to get rid of debt entirely by reaching this time goal. It could be your proposed retirement date, sending the kids to college, starting a family, or your next decade birthday. Tailor your consolidation loan to target this timeline and see regular progress.
5. You Aren't Alone
Tackling credit card debt can be a somewhat embarrassing problem. For many Americans, money is a taboo subject. Therefore, trying to change your spending habits and focusing on building your financial wellbeing can be a lonely and thankless journey.
You'll have more success when you can share your challenges with a spouse, trusted family member, close friend, or even a counselor. This honest relationship helps you stay on track, avoid old pitfalls, and celebrate your success as balances go down.
Where to Start
Do you see yourself in these five situations? If so, now is a great time to change your life through debt consolidation loans. Learn more about them by contacting the finance pros at
Ardmore Finance
today. With a variety of loan terms and sizes, you can find the right consolidation method to finally rid your life of credit card debt for good. Call today to get started.