When someone has no established credit history, you could face challenges when seeking out home purchases, vehicle purchases, or other services directly related to your credit. Naturally, you may assume a credit card offers the best way to build credit, but there are other options.
An installment loan provides several advantages over a credit card and helps build your credit naturally through the loan process. Learn about the advantages and how to build your credit from the ground up.
1. Monthly Payments
Before you receive an installment loan, you will receive all the information up front about the loan. All loan fees and loan terms are pre-computed, which means that the set monthly payment amount won’t change. Knowing the payment will ensure you are not met with any surprises or extra fees.
If you choose to apply for a credit card, you may find yourself with varying monthly interest fees, annual fees, or accruing interest which quickly adds up. Additional fees may include cash advance fees or ATM fees.
You do not want to worry about falling behind on monthly payments or fees you cannot afford. If you miss a payment, your credit score would be negatively impacted. The set monthly payments allow you to budget and plan the exact amount you need.
A huge advantage of the installment loan are the amortized payments. The payments will pay off both the interest and principal balance of the loan at the same time. With a credit card, the interest could build up over time and your payments would only go towards paying the interest down as opposed to the whole amount.
You could end up wasting a lot of money on just interest fees as opposed to keeping up with your payments from month to month.
2. Money at Once
An installment loan does not give you credit or credit limits. At the beginning of the loan, you are given the set money all at once and the money is treated as cash. To help build your credit, you essentially decide how much money you can afford.
With a credit card, you will have a specific limit on the card, but as you near the top of the limit, a credit card company may expand your limit and create a more tempting way to spend more money and dig yourself deeper in debt.
The limitations of a loan will help build your credit and create a situation where you help build money skills, saving skills, and have a little extra cash to spend with. Even with online resources, you may overspend with a credit card and charge too much to your card.
3. Future Loan Options
Once you have paid off an installment loan, you have not only built a foundation for your credit, but you have built a good reputation with the company. You will increase your chances of receiving another loan and building your credit further.
With the good relationship, the company will help you establish a second loan and you will be used to the process. The set monthly payments will ensure you know what you can afford, and you will slowly build your credit up month after month.
Not only do installment loans help people with no credit, but they may be a viable option for anyone with a poor credit history. The rebuilding process takes time and an installment loan provides a step in the right direction.
For more information on our installment loans, contact us at
Ardmore Finance. Our financial experts will help you go over the loan application and answer any questions you may have about the loan.